Álvaro Arcos

I'm Álvaro Arcos

AI Researcher and Developer

  • Address Seville, Spain
  • Company MCCM Innovations Ltd
  • Education PhD in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence

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Hello! I am Álvaro Arcos. Passionate about technology, Deep Learning and software development. All around developer with years of expertise in the following areas: AI research and development, Full-stack web development and Android development. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including Python, PHP, Java, and SQL. I am self-motivated, team player, proactive and I have a genuine appetite to increase knowledge of my industry. Currently, I am the CTO & AI Director at MCCM Innovations and I hold the top-1 rank position at the international German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark.

Work Experience

April 2018 - Now

MCCM Innovations

CTO & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Director

Responsible for the Technology and Artificial Intelligence business areas of ​​the company. Design, build and maintain AI projects: OCR, chat bots, image classification, object detection, natural language processing and document classification.

March 2015 - March 2018

University of Seville

AI Research and Software Development Engineer

Research and development of deep learning and machine learning models for time series forecasting, Human Activity Recognition and traffic sign recognition systems. Also, I developed several Android apps to monitor user activities, send notifications to students based on the context in which they are in order to offer them the most appropriate learning tasks adapted to such context, and gather information about nearby Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi networks, physical activity that the user is doing, recorded audio, and orientation of the mobile device.

May 2016 - June 2016

Open Source

Android Developer

Development of an E-health Android app that aims to improve life quality of COPD patients. Available at Google Play.

August 2014 - February 2015


Full-Stack Web Depelover and Android Developer

Development and maintenance of several web (PHP) and mobile (Android) applications with a high number of concurrent users. On one hand, PHP applications were mainly focused on helping out unemployed people to seek new job opportunities. On the other hand, the Android app was a marketplace where users can buy and sell second-hand products.

January 2014 - August 2014



Co-founder of Yobapp, winner of Alfacamp startup acceleration contest. Yobapp is a mobile application maker where users can create and manage their mobile apps easily, without any programming nor design knowledge.

June 2014 - July 2014


E-commerce web developer

Web development of an e-commerce platform using Prestashop.

November 2013 - January 2014


Full-stack web developer

Development of a module focused on gender-based violence within the Social Services web application of Seville City Council using the following technologies: HTML, PHP, AJAX, JavaScript and PostgreSQL.

July 2013 - December 2013


Innovation Consulting

Advise and provide advanced services to companies in the province of Seville.

October 2010 - October 2011


Full-stack web developer

Development and maintenance of the Social Services web application of Seville City Council and Alcalá de Guadaíra City Council using the following programming languages and technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PostgreSQL and Oracle 10g.


2016 - 2018

PhD in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence

University of Seville

2015 - 2016

University Degree in Computer Science

University of Seville

2012 - 2013

Master’s Degree in Computer Science

University of Seville

2007 - 2011

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science

University of Seville

Relevant Publications

  • Exploiting synergies of mobile mapping sensors and deep learning for traffic sign recognition systems. Á Arcos-García, M Soilán, JA Álvarez-García, B Riveiro. Expert Systems with Applications 89, 286-295. Available here.
  • Deep neural network for traffic sign recognition systems: An analysis of spatial transformers and stochastic optimisation methods. Á Arcos-García, JA Álvarez-García, LM Soria-Morillo. Neural Networks 99, 158-165. Available here.
  • Evaluation of deep neural networks for traffic sign detection systems. Á Arcos-García, JA Álvarez-García, LM Soria-Morillo. Neurocomputing 316, 332-344. Available here.

My Interests

I love watching movies, listen to music, running and play computer games. I am a photography enthusiastic, TV series addict and travel-coholic.

  • Watch TV Series
  • Watch Movies
  • Walk & Run
  • Play computer games
  • Listen to music
  • Travel around the world
  • Photography


  • Álvaro Arcos García has worked at the Universidad de Sevilla as Developer and Researcher in HERMES project (Healthy and Efficient Routes in Massive Open-Data Based Smart Cities-Citizen, funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and M-Learning project (La Formación a Través de Dispositivos Móviles. Diseño y Evaluación de Contenidos y Actividades Formativas a Través de M-Learning, funded by Junta de Andalucía).

    I supervised his work and Álvaro demonstrated excellent skills developing software (Android, Firebase, Google App Engine, Google Cloud Messaging, etc.) and machine learning algorithms (Deep Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines). He is also an excellent researcher writing the findings of the research team in scientific papers on impact factor journals.

    I coordinated the HERMES Project where he is a valuable asset to the research team, furthermore I supervise his Ph.D. Thesis related with Deep Learning applied to identification and recognition of traffic signs in real time.

    He is a team player whose excitement for learning enabled him to try new projects and take on more responsibility within the research team.

    Álvaro has an aptitude for multi-tasking, giving original solutions for new problems. He is always willing to contribute to projects, is a true pleasure to work with. I am confident he will be successful throughout his career and highly recommend him as a researcher.

    Juan Antonio Álvarez García
    Juan Antonio Álvarez García Lecturer and Researcher Computer Science University of Seville. Soft and Hard advisor for startups at Andalucia Open Future
  • During the time he was working with us, Alvaro did an extraordinary job in the different projects in which he participated. His level of commitment to the company, his professionalism and the responsibility and dedication with which he performed his work were outstanding.

    Rafael R. Lopez Casado
    Rafael R. Lopez Casado CEO & Founder

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